

Ställ in din tidszon

  • Välj din tidszon genom att välja ditt land eller en stad nära dig i samma tidszon.

På nästa skärm så kan du välja att ställa in din hårdvaruklocka till lokal tid eller till GMT, också känd som UTC.


Om du har mer än ett operativsystem i din dator så se till att de är inställda på lokal tid eller till UTC/GMT.

Välj ditt land / region

  • Select your country or region. This is important for all kinds of settings, like the currency and wireless regulatory domain. Setting the wrong country can lead to being unable to use a Wireless network.

  • If your country isn't in the list, click the Other Countries option and choose your country / region there.


If your country is only in the Other Countries list, after clicking OK it may seem that a country from the main list was chosen. Despite this, DrakX will actually apply your choice.


In the Other Countries screen you can also select an input method (at the bottom of the list). Input methods allow users to input multilingual characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). IBus is the default input method, so users should not need to configure it manually. Other input methods (SCIM, GCIN, HIME, etc) also provide similar functions and can be installed if you added HTTP/FTP media before package selection.


If you missed the input method setup during installation, you can access it post-install via Configure your ComputerSystem, or by running localedrake as root.

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